Andrew Briskey

BEng (Mining), BCom (Fin), GradDip Mngt.

Andrew has over 11 years of experience in the mining industry across both coal and iron ore open cut mines.

Over the years, he has gained qualifications, skills and experience in analytics, business improvement, project work, mine planning and scheduling. Andrew takes a first principles approach to problem solving, by understanding the value drivers of a project. He also specialises in providing insightful analytics which deliver meaningful recommendations to drive improvement and innovation. Andrew is skilled in a range of software, including but not limited to Vulcan, Deswik, 3D-Dig, Spry and XPAC.


  • Productivity Performance
  • Mine Optimisation
  • Mine Scheduling & Planning
  • Mine Design
  • Open Cut Draglines

Track Record

  • Andrew was the Field Improvement Engineer at Yandi Mine (WA) when he identified underperformance in truck utilisation which was resulting in production losses. By developing and implementing standardised work, truck utilisation increased from 62% to 83% over a six-month period.
  • He has completed LOM designs and scheduling for a deep multi-seam coal mine in NSW. Major changes to mine layout and sequence optimisation unlocked new minable seams, reduced the haulage costs, and improved asset margins.
  • Andrew has also completed many dragline and pit optimisation projects for large scale mining operations in NSW and QLD. Achievements include dragline rehandle reduction and the elimination of post-strip, decreasing the unit cost for these operations.
  • He has worked as a Mining Engineer for BHP, Yancoal and Anglo American where he has performed in a wide range of roles including Dragline Engineer, Truck and Shovel Engineer, and Mid-Term Planner.