Peter Allen
B.ENG. (Environmental)

Peter has extensive experience in the preparation of environmental impact assessments, environmental management plans and the management of approvals processes across multiple countries including Australia (NSW & Queensland), the UK, Romania, Guinea, Nigeria, Palestine, Jordan and Tadjikistan.
He has completed environmental projects in the water, transport, energy, and mining sectors, holding various project roles from primary author, through to project manager and project director. Additionally, Peter has significant expertise in due diligence assessments for mining projects, focusing on environmental and social compliance, approvals, mineral tenure and closure, in more than 20 regulatory jurisdictions. He has prepared regulatory approvals strategies and has contributed to concept, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.
- Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
- Environmental Management Plans
- Environmental & Social Due Diligence
- Environmental Approvals
- Feasibility Studies (Environmental, Social & Approvals)
Track Record
- Peter has contributed to many due diligence review assignments, covering the environmental, social, land tenure, mining tenure, approvals and closure aspects of projects and operations. He has completed these reviews in numerous regulatory jurisdictions, and in widely varying environmental and cultural context. For example, gold and copper in Canada, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, PNG, Fiji, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Victoria, NSW, and Queensland, though to coal in NSW and Queensland, and rare earths and uranium in the NT.
- He has a sound understanding of geo-min-met principles, how mining operations work, and mineral reporting requirements, which enables him to provide targeted and useful contributions to due diligence assessments and to feasibility studies.
- Peter has led numerous multi-disciplinary environmental teams to deliver environmental projects on budget, on schedule and to a high quality of technical documentation. This included projects across medium-large teams located in multiple locations. For example, Peter led the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments for a tritium removal facility for the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Station in Romania, and an Environmental Authority Amendment Application for the Blackwater North Extension Project in Queensland.
- Peter has experience in project director and project manager roles for multi-disciplinary environmental studies. He has a professional, relaxed and calm persona and cultural sensitivity which allows him to work in a variety of complex social / cultural environments and teams.