Mine Financial

Overall study compilation or individual disciplines, from scoping to definitive design covering mine to market, backed by experience working directly with financiers

Asset Valuations

Project level for exploration through to producing assets, DCF or transaction based, off-market or on market under VALMIN or equivalent code

Independent Technical Reviews

Peer review for whole of study or induvial study components, gap and risk analysis with concise reporting

Due Diligence

Independent assessments for equity or debt, fatal flaws analysis or full in-depth technical due diligence, cost estimate and contingency reviews feeding into investor case

Market Assessment

Industry benchmarking and ground up database creation, from the owner, customer or vendors perspective, mining operations, infrastructure, equipment and services

Construction & Loan Monitoring

Completions testing development and evaluation, desktop and site-based monitoring reports, dedicated teams globally experienced in loan monitoringTypography

Financial Modelling & Simulation

Third party model reviews or ground up project cost and financial modelling internal or for market, standardised ranging and cost simulation standards


Due Diligence, Independent Reports &
Loan Monitoring Projects


Asset Valuation &
Financial Modelling Projects


Feasability Studies (Scoping,
Pre-Feasibility & Feasibility)


Resource & Reserve Estimates

Project Study

Valuations backed by tried and proven data bases, standardised internal systems, recognised Codes

Specialised teams getting to the core issues providing you confidence in your investment decisions

Regularly working with the world’s leading banks, funds and investors bringing you the latest insights

Commercially minded and easy to read reports, focused on the material
risk and opportunities

Extensive track record globally from gold mines to bulk commodity supply chains, mining assets and mining related service segments

Operations and development
experienced technical teams supported by a in-house team of skilled financial analysts